Breaking News……..

We hope to be able to confirm in the next week, another UK World Championship medal winner in attendance at the conference thanks to one of the exhibitors. The plan is that he will be around and work with Kriss Akabusi during the networking evening. Keep watching for details.

So you want to use Windows 7 with SAP Business One and Crystal reports……

Well guess what – it’s not a problem! Orchestra a company from the US reports that it worked and works well – in fact better than XP.  Check out the story on their website.

New article posted in Computer Weekly

I got another article published in Computer Weekly this week, both online and in print.

It also sparked some interest from a CW blogger. To get more information aroundthe benefts of SAP upgrades get to our conference in Manchester.

Conference still sits ahead of best ever…….

With just 6 weeks to go we currently are at the highest level we have been, in terms of attendees for our conference. The numbers booked pitch us at a number that puts us 3 weeks ahead of the best position we have achieved in the past. Because we have booked a custom conference centre we can’t expand to cope with numbers so if you are hovering about whether to attend make the call as last minute may be too late.

Click here to go the conference site.